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Here are the 20 highest scores of the week for Level 1.

View all TurboFly 3D scores

Name Score
1 linyinxi 206493
2 朱雀 200455
3 linyinxi 137214
4 Popo 94752
5 ZRulez 86051
6 小豪 71771
7 Ta 64848
8 LuftWasser 63903
9 Kion 61117
10 Ta 58429
11 Kion 54180
12 mochen 52836
13 Azka 52458
14 ZRulez 51590
15 Ta 45087
16 ZRulez 41874
17 Fast tablets 39844
18 sammy 38773
19 Genie Eden 31584
20 Lyrical 25249

Ten highest scores ever for Level 1:

Name Score
1 小璐 309590
2 冷落 282109
3 GoodbyeEternity-nsfw 277711
4 luoyingjie 221858
5 luoyingjie 218043
6 四川纯情岳猫猫 214914
7 Buody Avata 210203
8 쑝카코리아 207291
9 linyinxi 206493
10 Tangent CN 204918

TurboFly HD is an addictive 3D racing game for your Android or iOS phone!

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